The Association of Polish Artists in Great Britain (APA), founded in 1957, is a membership society of painters, sculptors, graphic artists, mixed-media artists and photographers. All the members are of Polish descent, being either born or resident in Great Britain. Since 2004, when Poland entered the European Union, an influx of new artists has contributed to an exciting and challenging mix of styles and attitudes in the Association. APA is a democratic society without a President. It is run by a Committee which consists of a Secretary, Treasurer and maximum four other members all of whom are elected for a period of three years at the Annual General Meeting, for a maximum of two consecutive terms. 

The AGM is held in Spring, and all members are invited. In addition to the election of the committee, curators and titles of the two annual exhibitions are chosen. 

There are three Members' Exhibitions held each year, in Spring, Autumn and Winter, at the POSK Gallery 238 King Street London W6. APA does not have open exhibitions to which non members are invited. According to Janina Baranowska, a former President of APA and Director of the POSK Gallery for approximately 20 years, POSK Gallery was created for Polish Artists in Great Britain - members of APA, with a guarantee of two gratuitous exhibitions per year. 


Elżbieta Smoleńska

Olga Sienko

Marek Jakubowski 

Elżbieta Lewandowska